What is the objective of the Living Lab?

"A Belgian is born with a brick in his stomach" and the soil in Flanders is rich in natural raw materials (clay) to produce building materials. To avoid depleting these over time, a circular use of clay is necessary. Earth blocks respond to this because they are not fired during the production process and have low CO2 emissions during production. With this Living Lab, we want to reduce CO2 emissions and the materials footprint of the Flemish construction sector by removing a number of bottlenecks that hinder the application of earth blocks in practice.

What do we aim to achieve in the Living Lab?

Earth blocks have a high circular potential and their application in building practice is promising. In this Living Lab, we focus on knowledge building around practical applications, stimulating a mind shift among building actors regarding the use of raw materials and increasing familiarity with and confidence in earth block masonry.


What are the preferences, experiences and perceptions of architects, executors and building owners regarding earth blocks? In what way is earth block masonry executed and which construction and design aspects should be taken into account? How does earth block masonry behave hygrothermally and structurally? What is the relationship between mortar selection, construction, circularity and stability of earth block masonry?


Despite the high circular potential of earth blocks, architects, contractors, prescriptors and building owners are little familiar with this building material. What are the design possibilities with earth blocks? In what ways can they be applied? What are the advantages of using earth blocks? What do you best take into account during design, construction and subsequent usage?


Besides this technical knowledge building and raising awareness of earth block applications, a mindshift is also needed among building actors and the general public. In what ways can we use raw materials sustainably? What material performance is really needed for certain applications? In what ways can a design be adapted based on the qualities of a building material?

Do you have a question for us?

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with support of

VLAIO is the Flemish government's point of contact for all entrepreneurs in Flanders. VLAIO stimulates and supports innovation and entrepreneurship and contributes to a favourable entrepreneurial climate, in cooperation with numerous partners.

VLAIO is fully committed to circular entrepreneurship. That is why this VLAIO project received support and resources from the European Commission's NextGenerationEU fund.