Earth blocks are circular building products that can reduce the material footprint and CO2 emissions of the construction industry

Within the VLAIO Living Lab Circular Economy "FROM EARTH TO VALUE: Application of earth blocks in the Flemish building practice" UHasselt, a2o-architects, Democo, Buildwise, BrickZ and BC materials explore the application of earth blocks in construction projects for three years. 

Using experimental research, real-life case studies and a demo project with social-ecological impact, we investigate technical bottlenecks during the design- and execution process of earth block masonry. We also study the experiences and preferences of architects, contractors and building owners and take these into account when formulating design solutions.

The focus is on co-creation and interaction with a broad group of actors, including students and researchers as well as building professionals and (future) building owners. During various events and via publications, we disseminate the acquired knowledge, demonstrate application possibilities of earth blocks and aim to inspire and raise awareness among a broad target group.

We would like to invite you to our building festival!

During the festival at the Pastorie in Helchteren from the 22.04.24 to the 05.05.24 we will set grounds for the project together with the community of Houthalen-Helchteren.

Throughout this period, we will arrange a sequence of engagements and actions with the objective of collaboratively establishing a space that is designed and crafted for the community's benefit. By means of collaboration we will make sure that everybody's needs and wishes are fulfilled and thus create a meaningful project.

Save your spot and sign up on the updating list of events here.

Earth Blocks @ Horst Arts and Music Festival

In the Asiat park in Vilvoorde, construction will soon start on a pavillion made out of earth blocks.  

The pavilion translates the work "Where Do The Ants Go?" by Afrah Shafiq into a new outdoor version using earth blocks as the main building material. 

The festival runs from May 9 to 11, 2024, and the expo will be accessible until Sept. 8, 2024. 


Community event

February 1st, we presented the living lab at the first Community Event of the 'Circular Construction Work Agenda'.


Presentation of our demoproject

On January 19th, the students of the postgraduate program 'Building Beyond Borders' presented the design of the demoproject to the local community of Houthalen Helchteren. The pavilion, located in the garden of the rectory, was designed in a participatory manner. 

The demo project will consist of a combination of wood and earth blocks and will be realised during the Building Beyond Bricks festival in April.


Do you have a question for us? 

Would you like more information about the Living Lab? Are you interested in sharing your expertise? Or do you have another question? We would love to hear from you!

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Project team

With support of

VLAIO is the Flemish government's point of contact for all entrepreneurs in Flanders. VLAIO stimulates and supports innovation and entrepreneurship and contributes to a favourable entrepreneurial climate, in cooperation with numerous partners.

VLAIO is fully committed to circular entrepreneurship. That is why this VLAIO project received support and resources from the European Commission's NextGenerationEU fund.